Nov 14, 2011

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Obesity can already be detectable at 6 month old baby

GladChild: Obesity in infants in the first 6 months of age can predict the risk of obesity and its complications in the age range 5-10 years.

The risk of experiencing obesity at age 5 years increased 2-fold and at age 10 rose 75 percent if the baby is likely to gain weight up to 20 percent in the first 2 years of life. Experienced the greatest risk if the increase occurred in the first 6 months.

This was revealed in a study at Harvard Medical School, conducted by Dr. Elsie Taveras. The study involved 44,622 children aged less than 11 years old, who was met in 14 health centers in Massachusetts between the years 1980-2008.

Our findings contradict the assumption that weight gain in infants is a normal thing, writes Dr. Taveras in a publication in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, as quoted by FoxNews.

Dr. Taveras adds children who are obese will face various risks of health complications when growing up. Various studies show that obesity is a risk factor for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or hypertension, to heart problems.

To prevent this, Dr. Taveras suggested that in the first 6 months of the child were given only breast milk (ASI) Exclusive. Children also should not consume food or drink excessively sweet, and then encouraged to move more than spending time to play video games.

Besides at 6 months and 2 years of the first, babies may also suffer from obesity since birth or often referred to as fat baby. This condition usually occurs when the mother has diabetes or excess blood sugar levels during pregnancy.

Obesity can already be detectable at 6 month old baby

Nov 3, 2011

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11 warning signs of children who have mental disorders

Mental disorders in children often go undiagnosed. For that investigators issued a list of 11 marks to get parents more easily recognize mental problems in children.

Some signs such as feeling sad for 2 weeks or more may show symptoms of depression, intense fear or concern in doing everyday activities can be an anxiety disorder.

But sometimes this is not realized, especially in children who have not been able to explain what she feels.

Hence this list is intended to help parents or community to more easily recognize mental problems in children so they can receive proper treatment and medication.

Previous studies showed 3 of 4 children have mental health problems, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eating disorders and bipolar disorder are not diagnosed, so do not get the care needed.

Many parents are confused about whether their children have a problem, hence this list is created to facilitate the identification so that treatment is more effective, said Dr Peter S Jensen, professor of psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic, as quoted by LiveScience.

Here are 11 warning signs a child has mental problems that have been published in the journal Pediatrics, namely:
  1. Feeling very sad or withdrawn for 2 weeks or more
  2. Trying to hurt or kill one, or even have plans to do so
  3. Suddenly felt tremendous fear for no apparent reason, sometimes accompanied by heart rate and rapid breathing
  4. Involved in several fights, using weapons or desire to hurt others
  5. Have out of control behavior that could harm themselves or others
  6. Do not want to eat, vomit or using laxatives to lose weight
  7. Fears or worries that intensive and continuous in performing daily activities
  8. Very difficult to concentrate or put yourself in an environment that could endanger themselves or cause failure of the school
  9. The use of drugs or alcohol are repeated
  10. Severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships of friendship or family
  11. Behavioral and personality changes drastically
Researchers reveal if parents notice any of these signs in children, you should consult with a physician or mental health professional for psychiatric evaluation.

In addition it is expected that the Guideline of these signs can help parents distinguish between normal behaviors from childhood with signs of mental problems.

Oct 23, 2011

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Physical characteristics of children with autism located in the eyes and lips

GladChild: Autism includes behavioral disorders, so it's rather difficult to physically recognizable. But a few studies have mapped the differences in people with autism face shape, especially on the lips width and the distance between the eyes.

Research conducted by scientists from the University of Missouri concludes, faces and brain development occurs simultaneously since in the womb. Both also influence each other, but it is not known exactly how the mechanism children actually is.

By mapping the differences in people with autism face shape, it is expected that parents can detect it early if there are children who show symptoms of autism. Early detection will facilitate assistance, so the mental growth and intelligence can be adjusted.

Here are a few differences on the face, which distinguishes children with autism as quoted from Dailymail on Friday October 21, 2011.
  • Have a wider spacing between the eyes
  • The middle section is more narrow face, including cheeks and nose area
  • Has a lip and philtrum (the area between the noses with the lips) are more broadly.
These characteristics revealed by scientists after making observations of 62 children aged 12 years who were diagnosed with autism. For comparison, the scientists also studied 41 children with no history or clinical symptoms of autism.

In observations, the scientists photographing the faces of the participants with a special camera that can produce 3-dimensional images. Based on these pictures, the differences of physical characteristics were eventually found in 17 points, among others, at the end of the eye, and lip philtrum.

From these findings we can develop to know at which point the autism disorder begins to form. This will bridge the speculation among genetic factors with the environment, said Prof. Kristina Aldridge, who led the research.

These findings as well as strengthen the notion that the brain triggers the coordination of autism disorders have occurred in the womb. But until now, scientists have not concluded whether autism is only genetic factors influenced or affected also by the environment.

Oct 21, 2011

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Pregnancy in adolescence can be at risk of dying during childbirth

GladChild: Teen-age women are strongly advised not to marry or become pregnant at her age, because the reproductive organs in women aged adolescents has not been strong enough to give birth. Teenagers who become pregnant are at risk 4-fold, was seriously wounded on reproductive organs and can cause dying during childbirth.

Countries in Asia Pacific can be said to fail to deal with teenagers and young children. Despite economic growth and improvement of health services overall, but when talking about health and reproductive rights, adolescents and young people still lack the information and underserved.

For example, all countries in the Asia Pacific region have laws against child marriage, but in many countries nearly 50 percent of women marry before age 18 years.

The implications are very serious and, in some young women may result in life-threatening.

Young women and teenagers have a 4-fold risk compared with older women to experience the risk of severe injury or dying during childbirth.

Here are some of the dangers which threatened when a woman is married and pregnant at a young age before 20 years old:
  • In the reproductive organs he was not ready to touch or contain, so that if the pregnancy at risk of developing high blood pressure because the body is not strong enough. This condition is usually not detected at early stages, but eventually leads to convulsions, bleeding and even death to the mother or baby.
  • Egg owned by women is not yet ready.
  • Risk of cervical cancer, because the younger person's age at first intercourse, the greater the risk of reproductive areas contaminated by the virus.
That getting married at a young age makes a woman permanently become independent and not always rely on her husband, so that would later influence on social and economic status.

The wife of the young usually do not get enough education so that opportunities to be self-cutting, including to seek reproductive health services. As such, they are more likely to be exposed to many health risks, not only the risk of pregnancy but also violence, sexually transmitted infections including HIV and AIDS.

Pregnancy in adolescence

Oct 19, 2011

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The signs of anemia in children who have to be aware

GladChild: Parents sometimes do not realize the symptoms of anemia that appears in children, but if left untreated can cause adverse effects. For that watch out for symptoms of anemia in children.

If the child is often lethargic, often sleepy, wants to sleep, lazy or eat a lot but thin body, it could be signs of anemia in children.

Children who eat a lot but why she still underweight the possibility of having worms, and worm infections are known to cause the child to be anemic.

This is because worms that is in the child's body takes nutrients that enter the body including iron, causing malnourished children.

Other conditions that can be checked on the child's parents is to check the child's palm, if it is slightly bent palms look pale then he may have anemia or nail color that looks pale.

If it finds these conditions, then try to notice whether their diet was complete or not. If not then give an iron-rich foods, if still not then give foods that are fortified iron, if still lacking also recently given iron supplements.

Before doing the examination given supplements of hemoglobin to determine its value or it could be examined to know the child's stool worms or not.

The untreated anemia can lead to children learning difficulties, school or sports achievement decreases, lowering IQ scores and easily tired. Source of this iron can be obtained from red meat, green vegetables and nuts, and consumption of vitamin C can help increase iron absorption.

Iron is needed to assist the process of formation of red blood cells and also helps metabolize energy and improve concentration. The need for iron depends on the child's age, generally for school children required 10 mg/day.

Anemia usually occurs because the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin levels is below normal, whereas the red blood cells serve to bring food and oxygen around the body. If there is anemia in children, then the distribution will be hampered and affect one's health.

Oct 16, 2011

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Hearing loss in infants and how to detect it

GladChild: Hearing loss in infants who studied American and Australian scientists showed that the deaf are the most frequent abnormality found in newborns. Recent data attach that in America, between 3-6 baby from 1,000 births in the detection suffer from hearing disability. While in Australia, shows rates from 1.3 to 3.1 per 1,000 births.

The development of hearing in a child begins in the first 6 months of birth, until the age of 2 years. Impact of deafness itself will be very big for a child's life in the next, because the child makes it difficult to communicate and interact with their environment. For it is very important for parents to check the baby's hearing impairment, due to deafness or hearing impaired is one of the many abnormalities occur. Typically, severe hearing loss that occurs in both ears can be directly realized by the parents, but what about hearing loss with low or moderate levels?

Newborns that have experienced a high likelihood of Hearing loss in infants include:
  • Family history or ancestry,
  • Ear deformity, face and head,
  • Infection during pregnancy,
  • Birth weight less than 1,500 grams,
  • Infants whose condition requires treatment in hospital.
Be careful if the baby is sleeping soundly, undisturbed by noise slamming doors or other loud noises, because the possibility of hearing loss in infants. Since being in the womb, the baby can hear. Seen on ultrasound examination, when the baby moving respond to sound waves generated ultrasound. In infants aged greater, it will usually respond by turning his head or looking for the source of sound. If your child did not have a reaction, immediately take your baby to the doctor.